Process Control (technical documentation)

For each timestep (date and time specified)


For each fire



For each vertex (X, Y)




Get the fire environment (fuels, weather, topography)




Calculate fuel moistures from initial conditions




Calculate vertex orientation angle




Calculate surface fire (below)




if (Canopy Cover > 0) Calculate crown fire (below)







Preform Direct and Parallel Attacks



Update Raster Output Maps (arrival time, fire intensity, etc.)



Correct crossovers



Compute area and perimeter









Ember flight, ignition, growth from time of contact

Perform Indirect and Aerial Attacks

Merge all fires

Surface fire Calculations


Compute forward equilibrium spread rate


Vector wind and slope


Compute elliptical dimensions using resultant wind-slope vector


Compute spread rate R by accelerating fire over timestep


Compute average spread rate of fire over timestep


Compute spread differentials


Slope transformation


Compare fire spread with distance resolution


if (fire spread is truncated to distance resolution)



Compute time to spread distance resolution with acceleration



Adjust spread distance to distance resolution



Reduce time elapsed to accomplish distance resolution







Crown Fire Calculations


Calculate Critical Surface Fire Intensity Io


if (actual surface intensity>= Io)



Compute crown fraction burned



Compute acceleration constant for crown fire spread



Compute maximum crown fire spread rate



Vector open wind and slope



Compute elliptical dimensions using resultant wind-slope vector



Compute critical crown fire spread rate



Compute actual crown fire spread rate



if (actual crown fire spread >= critical crown fire spread rate




Accelerate crown spread rate




Compute crown spread differentials




Slope Transformation




Compare fire spread to distance resolution




if (crown fire spread is truncated to distance resolution)





Fire acceleration as a function of distance resolution





Adjust spread distance to distance resolution





Reduce time elapsed because of increased spread rate









Compute Crown Fire Intensity




Ember Lofting from Active Crown Fire














Compute Crown Fire Intensity




Ember Lofting from Torching Trees













Spot Fire Calculations






Determine plume characteristics (for torching tree)



Loft embers









Iterate horizontal and vertical ember flight path









Determine if ember lands inside existing fires



Ignition Frequency



