Fire Data Query

Just as you can query the landscape to view the landscape attributes of an individual cell, you can query the fire perimeter during or after a simulation. Not only can you see the fire behavior characteristics at a point in space and time, a fire or segment of the perimeter can be moved, de-activated , or deleted.

Often when the Fire Data Query is activated between visible time steps a new black colored fire perimeter will appear on the landscape.  

Querying Fire Data

The simplest use of the Fire Data Query is to view the fire behavior characteristics of a point on the current perimeter. When the status bar indicates SIMULATION SUSPENDED you can explore the suspended simulation with the Fire Data Query tool.

Activate the Fire Data Query with the Output > Fire Data Query command or the button. Now when your cursor is inside the landscape window it will turn into a black lower case "i" with a small "+". Moving the Fire Data Query cursor over the landscape will change the color of the last perimeter to black. This is the current fire perimeter.  To deactivate the Fire Data Query simply select the command or toolbar button again and toggle the query off.

Place the cursor's "+" somewhere on the current perimeter of the simulation and left click, the following "Land and Fire Data" dialog box appears, displaying the landscape and fire behavior data for the closest perimeter point to the spot clicked;

Move a Perimeter Point

It is easier to modify an item in the "LANDSCAPE" window if you zoom in to the area of interest.

To move a point of the current fire perimeter with your cursor, first select the Move Perimeter Point radio button. Now you can drag a point of the current (black) perimeter with the cursor's "+".

This moving action has a convenient Undo button that will reverse the last move. But be careful before starting the next move, this dialog box has no Cancel button, you can only reverse the last point moved.

Modifying a Fire Segment

Selecting the Modify Segment or Fire radio button make three additional buttons available;

  1.  Activate Fire Segment

  2.  De-Activate Fire Segment

  3.  Delete Fire or Barrier

The segment to modify is identified by clicking three points on the current (black) perimeter. You can also select an entire fire (for instance, a spot fire) by single clicking inside the current perimeter.

Clicking the three points on the perimeter has to be done in a very specific way. First click the beginning point of the segment, then the ending point. The third point is clicked on the perimeter between the beginning and ending points. You can tell when you have selected the three points correctly if "Selected 3" appears in the Fire Data box in the "Land and Fire Data" dialog box. (as shown above)

Once the segment or fire is selected, click one of the modifying buttons, you can't activate a segment or fire unless it has been previously de-activated. The selected perimeter will show in bold.

Once the perimeter modifications are complete, you can resume the simulation.